

A master of stealth, you excell at acrobatics and deception.

Starting HP : d6 + 4
HP Per Level/Resting : 1d6
Weapons & Armor : All Swords, All Bows, Daggers, Gambeson, Leather, Small Shields
Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

d6What do you carry?
1A ceramic bottle of your old partner's homebrewed Knockout Gas. Throw bottle to release gas. All Nearby make a CON save or fall unconscious.
2A rune stone, stolen from a witch of the wood. UD4. Cast an Enchanter spell of level 1-2.
3A pouch of "Catnip". UD8. Take to gain advantage on DEX saves for a 1d4 turns.
4A Dagger of Returning. UD6. A throwing dagger that returns to your hand if it misses its target.
5A porcelain mask that allows one to Disguise Self. UD6.
6Your reward from your last heist: a skeleton key that can be used to open any lock. It crumbles into dust after use.


Every Thief starts with a Disguise of your choosing.

Every Thief starts with one of the following sets of equipment:
A - Black leather hood & vest (2 Armour), 2 short swords, 2d8 counterfeit coins, lockpicks.
B - Cloth gambeson (1 Armour), bow & arrows (Ud8), 3d6 coins, a hooded lantern & a flask of oil.

Special features

Roll with Advantage when testing DEX to avoid damage or effects from traps and magical devices.

Rolls with Advantage when attacking from behind and deals 2d6 / 2d4 + the Thief's level damage.

Rolls with Advantage when performing delicate tasks, climbing, hearing sounds, moving silently, understanding written languages and opening locks.

Leveling up

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for DEX or WIS.