Character Creation

Getting Started

The core mechanic

Everything a Character might possibly attempt that could result in failure is resolved by testing attribute stats, in order to successfully test a stat - a player must roll below it on a d20.

Monsters don’t make tests - a character must avoid their attacks by making a test, the only time a monster would roll is for damage.

Creating your character


The first step to creating a memorable Character is coming up with an engaging ‘concept’. In your mind, think of one sentence that summarises who the Character is, and what might make them interesting to play.


  • A magician who seeks after new magic
  • A smooth talking trickster
  • A wandering mercenary
  • A gambler in a great deal of debt


Every Character has 6 Attributes that define them. They define everything about the Character - how strong, dexterous, resilient, intelligent, wise, and charismatic they are.

  • Take 3d6 (3 six sided dice) and roll them, adding them together. Do this for each of the Attributes below in order writing the results in pencil, next to the Attributes on a Character sheet.
  • If you roll 14+, don’t roll dice for the next Attribute - instead it will be 7. Roll again as per normal after this.
Strength (STR)Dexterity (DEX)Constitution (CON)
physical power and Melee AttacksSwiftness, agility, and Ranged AttacksResiliance and physical well being
Intelligence (INT)Wisdom (WIS)Charisma (CHA)
Knowledge, judgement, and Arcane SpellsCunning, perception, and Divine PrayersInfluence and the power of personality

You may swap 2 Attributes around if that would better fit your Character idea

Choose a class

Each class will also determine how much damage a starting Character can take - measured in Hit Points, also what armour they can use, damage they deal when they Attack, and what they gain as they advance in Levels. Choosing a class also determines your starting equipment and coins.

Core ClassesDescription
WarriorA master of the arts of combat
ClericA servent of a diety, channels the power of their god
MagicianA scholar of the arcane who is excellent at casting spells and magic
ThiefA master of stealth, acrobatics and deception

In addition to the core four classes, there are more additional classes noted below. These are variant classes of the core, with some more specific flavor. This list will likely expand depending on setting being played as well as player wants.

Additional ClassesDescription
BerserkerA fighter who can harness their battle rage
DruidA shapeshifting protector of nature
EnchanterPractitioner of fae/witch magic, and illusions
MinstrelAn adventuring musician and poet
PaladinSacred warrior on a holy quest
WardenA wilderness hunter at home in the woods