

A servent of a diety, to carry out their will you can channel their power.

Starting HP : d8 + 4
HP Per Level/Resting : 1d8
Weapons & Armor : All blunt weapons, cloth, leather, mail, all helmets, all shields
Attack Damage : 1d6 / 1d4 Unarmed or Improvising

d6What diety do you serve?
1Auoua, Keeper of Mysteries and Lady of the Moon: Take a silver owl pendant. Ud6. Wielder can spend a charge to cast Invisibility on a target of their choice.
2Njǫrd, Lord of Wind and Sea: You have a whale bone scrimshaw depicting part of an ancient saga. Cold damage is reduced by 1 when it is on your person.
3Calico, The Lucky: Those who follow Calico find a lucky copper coin. Flip the coin and roll with advantage once per day. The coin may one day vanish from your pocket.
4Gaia, the Earth Titan: Followers wear a blessed stone ring. Ud6. Use a charge to transmute your skin to stone (3 Armour) for 1d6 turns.
5Shepherd of the Dead: Guides of this faith wear an amulet shaped like the crook. The wielder may ask a question of the dead whenever they chose. After doing so, the wielder takes Disadvantage on a future test of the GM's choice. The dead may not answer truthfully.
6Sulis, Goddess of the Sun: Carry with you a small sundial bearing the face of Sulis. Can be used once a day to shed light that behaves like a torch.


Every Cleric starts with one of the following sets of equipment:
A - Studded hide breastplate (2 Armour), flail, a small shield (1 Armour), 2d8 coins and purse, 6 Torches (Ud6 per torch), flint & steel.
B - Thick cloth vestments (1 Armour), two handed hammer, 1d10 coins, a small glass bottle of blessed water.

Special features

Roll with Advantage when testing CON to avoid damage from poison or being paralyzed.

A Cleric can spend an action to banish all Nearby undead by testing their WIS and adding the creature's HD to the roll.

Leveling up

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR or WIS.


Clerics start with a Prayer Book containing a total of 1d4 spells from the Level 1 and 2 Cleric Prayers lists.

Daily cleric spells

Clerics can cast a number of Divine Prayers per day.

Note: columns are spell slot levels, lines are character levels.


Cleric prayers


  • Cure Light Wounds : Heal 1d8 HP to a Nearby target.
  • Detect Evil : Everything Nearby that is evil glows - 5mins.
  • Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object - Ud8 minutes.
  • Protection from Evil : Advantage on all harmful tests from an Evil source - Ud8 minutes.
  • Purify Food and Drink : Removes all diseases from all Nearby food and drink.


  • Bless : Nearby allies gain +1 to stats when making attacks and saves - Ud8 minutes.
  • Find Traps : Notice all nearby traps - 10mins.
  • Hold Person : Paralyse 1d4 Nearby targets. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Silence : Magical silence covering everything Nearby to a target - Ud8 minutes.
  • Speak with Animals : Can understand and talk with animals - Ud8 minutes.


  • Daylight : A nearby area is illuminated by sunlight - Ud8 minutes.
  • Cure Disease : Cures a Nearby target of all diseases.
  • Locate Object : Sense direction of a known object - Ud6 minutes.
  • Prayer : All Nearby allies defend against attacks with Advantage - Ud4 moments.
  • Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
  • Speak with Dead : Ask a Nearby corpse 3 questions.


  • Create Food/Water : Create enough food/water for all Nearby creatures for a day.
  • Cure Serious Wounds : Heal 3d8+3 HP to a Nearby target.
  • Neutralise Poison : Remove poison from a Nearby target.
  • Protection: Grants nearby characters an aura of +3 Armour temporarily. The aura lasts up to 10 minutes but ends when the character takes damage.


  • Commune : The Cleric's deity truthfully answers 3 questions.
  • Dispel Evil : Removes a Nearby evil spell.
  • Finger of Death : Choose a Nearby target and test WIS, if a pass the target is OofA.
  • Plague : Test WIS for all Nearby targets, they lose 2d8 HP for the next 1d6 turns.
  • Quest : Force a Nearby creature to obey an order.
  • Raise Dead : Return a Nearby willing target to life, who's died within the last 7 days.


  • Animate Object : Give a Nearby object motion and a simple intelligence.
  • Blade Barrier : Wall covers a Nearby area, WIS to attack Close targets (3d8).
  • Conjure Elemental : Summons an elemental with HD equal to caster's lvl - Ud12 minutes.
  • Find Path : The path to a chosen location is made known - Ud10 minutes.
  • Word of Recall : Give ability to teleport back to the location this spell was cast.


  • Aerial Servant : Summons a servant to recover a distant object.
  • Astral Spell : Projects an avatar of the caster onto a chosen plane - Ud8 minutes.
  • Control Weather : Control the Nearby weather to all extremes - Ud6 minutes.
  • Earthquake : Test WIS for all Nearby creatures, passes are taken OofA.
  • Holy Word : Nearby Creatures with 5HD or less drop dead, those with 6-8HD are Paralysed and Creatures with 9-10HD cannot make an Action for the next 1d6 Minutes.
  • Wind Walk : Turn into mist and back, at will for the rest of the session.
  • Restoration : Returns all levels lost by the caster or a single Nearby Creature with level drain.