Core Rules

Core Rules

Players turn

During a player’s turn a character may move and perform an action. They could attack, look for a clue, talk with an NPC, cast a spell - interacting with the world is an action. Often they will test their attributes to determine the outcome.


There are 2 important types of tracked time

  • Moments (rounds) and Minutes (turns).

Moments are used during combat and fast paced scenes of danger and Minutes are used when exploring and adventuring. A GM may advance the clock as they need substituting Minutes for Hours, Days or even Months should the adventure require it.

Movement & distance

Rather than track precise numbers, we use 4 abstract ranges for measuring distances. Close, Nearby, Far-Away and Distant. On their turn every character can move somewhere Nearby as part of an action, performing that action at any stage of the move. They can forgo their action and move somewhere Far-Away instead. Anything beyond Far-Away can be classified as Distant and would take 3 moves to get to.

This system is designed to support the narrative ‘theatre of the mind’ style of play, and is less concerned about tracking squares and fiddly distances. For converting existing movement rates or measures (for spells or areas of effect) use the following as a guide :

0 - 5ft (1 square)5 - 60ft (6 squares)60 - 120ft (12 squares)

Armour & Shields

When rolling an attribute test to see if you hit or are able to avoid taking damage, and add your collective Armour Bonus to the dice roll. Example: If you are wearing Leather armour, add 2 to the roll.

TypeArmour Bonus
Chain Mail3
Plate & Mail4
Small Shield1
Large Shield2

Advantage & disadvantage

A GM may decide that a particular course of action or task has a higher or lower chance of success. They will ask a player to roll an additional d20 when making a test - with advantage the lower result is used and with disadvantage, the higher.