

A master of the arts of combat, you know how to survive in a fight.

Starting HP : d10 + 4
HP Per Level/Resting (HD): 1d10
Weapons & Armor : Any and All
Attack Damage : 1d8 / 1d6 Unarmed or Improvising

d6What do you travel with?
1A heraldic cape, bearing your crest. It is woven with a drakeskin lining and can half the damage of frost or fire. UD6.
2A letter of marque, establishing your noble rank. Can be used to gain advantage on CHA checks.
3Your trusted riding steed: Horse (AC 12 HP 13 Kick - STR 1d6 damage; 2 inventory slots).
4A heavy crossbow and quiver of bolts (UD10), it has served you well on the road. You are so familiar with its workings that you can choose to hit automatically once per day.
5Decorative shield bearing your personal emblem (small shield, 1 Armour, UD8), it can be used counter an attack. Take no damage and deal damage instead. Once the usage dice runs out, the shield breaks.
6A bronze amulet passed down through your family. An ancient version of your family crest is carved into the disc of the amulet. If you fall OofA, you do not have to roll on the table and are simply KO'd. UD4.


Every Warrior starts with one of the following sets of equipment:
A. Faded Gambeson (1 Armour), a long sword, large shield (2 Armour), 2d6 coins, unopened orders, wine skin (UD6)
B. Well-worn Leather Armour (2 Armour), tin helm (1 Armor), Glaive (two-handed weapon), 4d6 coins, tobacco pouch (UD6) & pipe, dice set.

Special features

Once per hour, whilst in combat, a Warrior can regain d8 lost HP.

As part of their action a Warrior can make 1 attack per level. A Warrior must not hit the same target twice in a row.

When you are Attacked in melee combat whilst holding a shield - and your roll to Defend is 1-5, the attacker takes damage equal to your Level.

Leveling up

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for STR and DEX.

Gain 1HD - Roll 1d10 with Advantage to gain that many additional maximum HP.