

You are the scholar of the arcane, you handle spells and magic like no one else.

Starting HP : d4 + 4
HP Per Level/Resting : 1d4
Weapons & Armor : 1-handed Sword and Staff
Attack Damage : 1d4 / 1 Unarmed or Improvising

d6What do you specialize in?
1Abjuration: You wear a ring of spell protection that marks your research. The wearer can choose to negate the effects of a spell that targets them. UD6.
2Divination: Scrying mirror or crystal
3Elementalism: Elementalist's wand
4Illusion: Displacement dust
5Transmutation: See as far as if you were using a spyglass. Add a d6 to long-range attack rolls
6Conjuration: Summon a lesser demon or minor fey to do your bidding.


Every Magician starts with one of the following sets of equipment:
A. Cloth robes (1 Armour) and wide brimmed hat, bent oak staff, short sword, book detailing magical phenomena, 2d8 coins & purse.
B. Embroidered travel tunic, Enchanted wool cloak (1 Armour), wyrmwood cane, iron dagger, leatherbound journals with quill & ink, 4d6 coins & purse.

Special features

Roll with Advantage when testing INT to avoid damage or effects from spells or magical devices.

Leveling up

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for INT or WIS.


Magicians start with a large spellbook containing a total of 1d4+2 spells from the Level 1 and 2 Arcane Spell lists.

Daily arcane spells

Magicians can cast a number of Spells per day.

Note: columns are spell slot levels, lines are character levels.


Arcane spells


  • Charm : A Nearby target obeys commands. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Detect Magic : Everything Nearby that is magic glows - Ud6 minutes.
  • Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object - Ud8 minutes.
  • Magic Missile : A Nearby, Far-Away or Distant target takes 1d6 damage/level.
  • Shield : Gives the caster Arcane Mail (+2 Armour) - Ud6.
  • Sleep : Puts 4d6 HD 'worth' of beings to sleep - Ud6 minutes.


  • Darkness : Pure darkness covers a Nearby area and blocks all types of vision - lasts Ud6 Minutes.
  • Invisibility : A nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
  • Knock/Lock : A Nearby door or lock is either opened or locked.
  • Levitate : The caster floats up to 6 feet from the ground - Ud12 minutes.
  • Web : Traps a Nearby area, stopping movement. Test WIS/hr to see if the effect lasts.


  • Darkvision : See in absolute darkness - 10min/level.
  • Dispel Magic : Removes a Nearby Arcane spell.
  • Fireball : 1d4 Nearby creatures take 1d6/level damage.
  • Read Language/Magic : Read all languages and magic - Ud12 Minutes.
  • Magic Mouth : Creates an illusory mouth that repeats a phrase to all Nearby creatures.


  • Confusion : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
  • Dimension Door : Teleport a target to a Distant Location.
  • Polymorph Self/Other : Transform a creature to have the appearance of another.
  • Remove Curse : Removes a curse from a Nearby target.
  • Wall of Fire/Water/Air : Wall of one of the three elements noted covers a Nearby area, WIS to attack Close targets (3d6) - Ud8 minutes.
  • Wall of Stone/Iron : A wall of stone or iron covers a Nearby area.


  • Animate Dead : Create 2d4 Skeletons/Zombies with HD/level, from nearby bodies.
  • Cloudkill : Creates a toxic cloud Nearby, Creaturesthat touch it are taken OofA - lasts Ud4 Moments.
  • Conjure Elemental : Create an Elemental of chosen type with 3d4 HD.
  • Contact Higher Plane : Ask three questions and receive truthful answers from the outer gods.
  • Feeblemind : Reduce a Nearby target's INT to 4 - Ud6 Moments.
  • Telekinesis : Move Nearby objects - Ud12 minutes.
  • Teleport : Transports a Nearby target to any place known to the caster.


  • Anti Magic Shell : Creates a Nearby Zone around the caster blocking all magic.
  • Death Spell : 2d8 Nearby targets with 7HD or fewer are taken OofA.
  • Disintegrate : Makes one Nearby target or object turn into a fine powder.
  • Invisible Stalker : Summons an extra-dimensional monster to perform one task.
  • Flesh to Stone : Turns a Nearby target into stone (or vice versa).


  • Limited Wish : Change reality in a limited way or time.
  • Power Word, Kill : A Nearby target with 50HP or fewer dies and cannot be resurrected.
  • Conjuration of Demons : Summons a Demon with 2HD/level.
  • Meteor Swarm : Effects the same as casting Fireball 4 times.
  • Time Stop : Stops time completely in a Nearby area - 1d4+1 Moments.