Additional Classes


Practitioner of the magics of the unseen and fae, skilled in witchcraft and illusions.

Starting HP : d4 + 6
HP Per Level/Resting : 1d4
Weapons & Armor : 1-handed Sword and Staff
Attack Damage : 1d4 / 1 Unarmed or Improvising

d6What relic of the unseen have you acquired?
2A token of a Djinn made of a piece of smoked glass. The wielder of this token may use it to take the form of a cloud of smoke, becoming insubstantial for Ud6 rounds. In this form, the user can move through small gaps in doors and cannot be targeted by non-magical attacks.
3A pixie cauldron. A small brewing vessel that produces a random potion once per day in exchange for some sweet food. Can be used as a normal cauldron.
4The plume of a firebird. Can make any creature appear convincingly as someone (or something) else. Ud4.
5A phial of dreampoison. Ud6. Those who imbibe have terrible nightmares and roll all tests the following day with Disadvantage.
6A hex stone gathered from the bed of a river that flows from the other side. Removed from its iron tin, it can absorb the effects of an active magical effect. If destroyed, the magic is released.


Every Enchanter starts with one of the following sets of equipment:
A. Unseele silk cape (1 Armour), fine robes, staff of white ash, silver shortsword, 4d6 coins & purse, a small log of valuable gossip.
B. Homemade tunic, fur cloak and hood, rune carved stave, iron dagger, Enchanter's Haversack (Carry +4 extra), 2d6 coins & purse, a self-written guide to local folk beliefs.

Special features

Enchanters begin with a Familiar that can take the shape of a small mundane animal. The Enchanter can share the senses of their familiar as well as communicate with them telepathically.

Enchanters can cast Hedgemagic at will, creating a harmless magical effect.

Enchanters roll with Advantage when testing WIS to avoid damage or effects from illusions or charms.

Leveling up

Roll to see if attributes increase, roll twice for INT or WIS.


Enchanters start with a large spellbook containing a total of 1d4 spells from the Level 1 and 2 Enchantments list.

Daily enchantments

Enchanters can cast a number of Spells per day.

Note: columns are spell slot levels, lines are character levels.




  • Charm : A Nearby target becomes friendly. Test WIS each turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Chill Touch: Test INT for single a Close Creature - on a success, the Creature takes 1d6 damage. If the Creature is undead, it must make a Morale Test instead.
  • Light : Create dim light from a Nearby spot or object - Ud8 minutes.
  • Phantasmal Force : Creates a Nearby illusion dispelled by touch. Test WIS, on a pass a viewer can be harmed (1d6).
  • Shield : Gives the caster Arcane Mail (+2 Armour) - Ud6.
  • Sleep : Puts 4d6 HD 'worth' of beings to sleep - Ud6 minutes.
  • Fog : Fog covers a Nearby area, all apart from the caster have Disadvantage on checks requiring sight - Ud12 minutes.


  • Blind/Deafen : Test WIS against a Nearby target, if a pass the target is blind or deaf.
  • Blur : Disadvantage in all Melee and Ranged attack rolls against caster - Ud6 rounds.
  • Dispel Illusion : Removes a Nearby illusion.
  • Detect Magic : Everything Nearby that is magic glows - Ud6 minutes.
  • Hypnotic Pattern : 4d6 HD Nearby creatures can't move or act. Test WIS to see if the effect lasts.
  • Invisibility : A nearby creature is made invisible until it attacks or dispelled.
  • Misdetection : All detection spells cast out to Far Away malfunction - Ud12 minutes.


  • Area Invisibility : 1d6 Nearby creatures are made invisible until dispelled or they attack. Cast as Level 4 for invisible creatures to be able to attack.
  • Daylight/Darkness : A Nearby area is filled with sunlight or impenetrable darkness - lasts Ud10 Minutes.
  • Fear : Test WIS against 5d6 HD Nearby creatures, if a pass the target flees - Ud6 mins.
  • Hallucinatory Terrain : Terrain out to Far Away appears as the caster desires until touched.
  • Hold Person : Paralyze 1d4 Nearby targets. Test WIS/turn to see if the effect lasts.
  • Suggestion : Test WIS on a Nearby target, if a pass performs a simple command that seems safe.


  • Confusion : 2d6 Nearby targets immediately make a Reaction roll.
  • Fly : A single Close Creature can fly for Ud10 Minutes. A Creature cannot fly if they are Encumbered and fall if they are not touching the ground when the spell ends.
  • Massmorph : Up to 100 creatures horse-size or less out to Far Away appear as trees. Can be touched – Ud12 minutes.
  • Rusting Grasp : A Close object of iron or iron alloy the Spellcastertouches is instantaneously rusted, pitted, and effectively destroyed.
  • Polymorph Self/Other : Transform a creature to have the appearance of another.
  • Blood Hex : A single Nearby Creature takes 3d6 damage and Ongoing Damage. A second casting of this spell on a Creature affected by its OngoingDamage forces the Creature to make a Morale Test.


  • Chaos : Like a Confusion spell in a Nearby area. Roll Reaction every 10 mins.
  • Project Image : Caster's image appears out to Far Away, mimicking the caster. Spells seem to originate from the image.
  • Incendiary Cloud : Creates a cloud of burning embers Nearby which obscures sightlines. Creatures that enter the cloud take 1d6 damage for each of the Spellcaster’s Levels- lasts Ud6 Moments.
  • Teleport : Transports a Nearby target to any place known to the caster.
  • Vanish : A Nearby Creature is made invisible until it Attacks or the spell is dispelled. After turning invisible, the Creature can teleport to a Nearby location of its choosing.


  • Animal Summoning : Summons 8d4 HD of animals (4 HD max.) to serve the caster - 1 hr.
  • Mass Suggestion : Test WIS on d6 Nearby targets, if a pass performs a simple command that seems safe.
  • Permanent Spectral Force : Same as Spectral Force, except permanent.
  • Balefyre : 4d6 Nearby Targets ignite. Creatures take 4d10 damage and Ongoing Damage.
  • True Seeing : See through darkness (normal or magical), secret doors, invisible, illusions, ethereal, or polymorph – 1 min/level.
  • Veil : Changes the sight, smell, and feel of everything in a Nearby area, touchable - 1 min/level.


  • Astral Spell : Projects an astral form of the caster onto a chosen plane - Ud12 minutes.
  • Limited Wish : Change reality in a limited way or time.
  • Prismatic Spray : All creatures with less than or equal to 8 HD in a Nearby area are blinded Ud6 minutes, plus all creatures take a d8 random color effect:
    1. Red - 10 HP fire damage
    2. Orange - 20 HP damage
    3. Yellow - 40 HP damage
    4. Green - poison, pass CON test for OofA
    5. Blue - pass CON test for petrified
    6. Indigo - pass INT test for insane
    7. Violet - pass INT test for transport to another plane
    8. Two color effects.
  • Vision : Test INT while sacrificing a 300 g.p. item to an entity, if a pass get an accurate vision for a question, if a fail, must perform a service.